
20 useful tips

The first impression

Don’t forget that the first impression visitors have will be from the main entrance of the house. Make sure that everything is clean and freshly painted, as required. The grass and landscaping must be maintained regularly and make sure dead leaves and garbage in backyard are not visible. Remove the snow if it snowed as well as any ice on the stairs or entrance.

Present the house the way it is

In order to avoid having to explain what the house could look like, make sure to refresh areas with paint where applicable, replace wall paper if damaged, repair visible cracks as well as broken tiles if necessary.

Let the sun shine in

Open the blinds and curtains; the visitor will see how bright and joyful your house is.

No leaking faucets

Leaking faucets spoil the look of a bath or sink and indicate defective plumbing.

Even the smallest detail is important

Take the time to verify that all the doors, drawers, sliding and casement windows work well. Make all the adjustments and your house will increase in value.

Safety First

Make sure that the stairs are free from any obstacles and that everything is tidy because visitors will want to see everything, safely! Accidents must be avoided because they might ruin the visit … don’t forget, you are trying to sell!

From top to bottom

Enhance the look of the attic, light up the basement and other storage areas. A coat of paint in the basement might make the whole difference.

Maximize storage areas

This is the opportunity to clean up the cupboards and show visitors that they will have lots of storage space.

Bathrooms influence the decision of the buyer

These rooms must be sparkling clean, faucets cleaned, cracks and missing caulking filled, clean towels and personal toiletries neatly arranged.

Welcoming bedrooms

Light up these rooms and keep them clean, remove useless furniture, use nice and colorful comforters and clean the blinds and curtains.

Lighting, a key element

A well-lit house is a sign of welcoming. If visitors come during the evening, leave the outside and inside lights on and replace light bulbs if required.

Too many people

Avoid having too many people in the house during a visit, the buyers would have the impression of disturbing your family life and will tend to hurry their visit and might miss some important features your house has to offer.

Soft music

Your taste in music might be different from a visitor’s, make sure you lower the sound and turn off the television. Let your broker talk to his/her client in peace, the results might surprise you.

Beware of the dog

Animals are human’s best friends, but some visitors might be afraid of them and can’t stand their presence – make sure you keep them at a distance.

Let the broker do the talking

Be welcoming and attentive but don’t do the work of the broker. The client is there to visit, not to have a conversation.

The best looking house in the area

It might be true, but let the buyer discover that by him/herself! Don’t talk about the unique opportunity available to him/her. If the visitor tells you about some defects or expresses a rude remark, be attentive and keep your comments to yourself – the broker will intervene.

Keep a Low Profile

Nobody knows your home as well as you do. But  Sales Associates know buyers – what they need and what they want. Your Associate will have an easier time articulating the virtues of your home if you stay in the background.

Avoid ruining the sale

While the opportunity might be there, don’t offer to sell your furniture and accessories to the buyer on the spot. Be calm and relax; your broker knows what to do and when to do it.


Let your broker start the discussion process with the visitor, about the selling price, payment terms and occupancy date. Your agent is a professional who knows how to conduct the negotiations, always to your advantage.


Your broker is at your service at all times. Before making any important decisions relating to the sale of your house, talk to him/her. He/she has a solid experience and is always available.

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